19 Aug 2017
Algolia is the most reliable platform for building search into your business. Algolia Jekyll Plugin Jekyll plugin to automatically index your Jekyll posts and pages into an Algolia index by simply running jekyll algolia push. Installation - Setup Algolia Sign up for an Algolia account. Create a new index for...
18 Aug 2017
Algolia offering a web search product through a SaaS (software as a service) model. A powerful hosted search engine API, Algolia provides product teams with the resources & tools they need to create fast, relevant search. Algolia Jekyll Plugin Jekyll plugin to automatically index your Jekyll posts and pages into...
07 Jul 2017
Today, we are going to disscuss about building a Restful API solution with rails 5 to get all transactions for a specifc consumer and or for a merchant. There should be three endpoints one for each dataset / table. As of version 5, Rails core now supports API only applications!...
14 Jun 2017
The API endpoint to fetch the activities for a user on Github is as follow: example - https://api.github.com/users/<github_username>/events/public The JSON response for the above call contains an area of events of different types, and each event has a score attached to it. The following mapping shows the scores available: {"IssuesEvent"...
09 Feb 2017
It is true that Github pages do not support customized Ruby plugins for Jekyll site. We are going to implement Jekyll tagging and categories without plugins, and here is step-by-step guide to achieve so. 1. Configure paths at your _config.yml file. Tags: '/tags/'tag_page: '/tags/'Categories: '/categories/'category_page: '/categories/' 2. Add tags to...