Rails Generate 1 Million Records in 20 minutes

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I love ActiveRecord. It does so many things so well. Hiding horribly verbose SQL queries behind concise, readable ruby; magically knowing that the foreign key for has_many :media is medium_id; replacing garbage like “PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint ‘index_users_on_email’” with the perfectly end-user-readable “Email address has already been taken”;

Of course, the inevitable price for this abstraction is some performance overhead. Usually it’s not a bottleneck, but when you need to do something just slightly more complicated than usual, it can be.

In order to verify performance issue we need to have few million records, and problem araises that on our development machines we do not have that much amount of data. We have to generate bulk records to verify issues related to performance.

Following script is usefull to generate bulk amount of db records for Book model which is having has_many association with FileSubmissions and FileSubmissions has_one kind of association to FileDetail.

With the help of this code we can very eassily generate bulk amount of records.

Thanks for reading!