Difference between Procs and Lambdas

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It is important to mention that they are both Proc objects.

proc = Proc.new { puts "Hello world" }
lam = lambda { puts "Hello World" }

proc.class # returns 'Proc'
lam.class # returns 'Proc'
lam = lambda { |x| puts x } # creates a lambda that takes 1 argument

lam.call(2) # prints out 2
lam.call # ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
lam.call(1,2,3) # ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 1)

In contrast, procs don’t care if they are passed the wrong number of arguments.

proc = Proc.new { |x| puts x } # creates a proc that takes 1 argument

proc.call(2) # prints out 2
proc.call # returns nil
proc.call(1,2,3) # prints out 1 and forgets about the extra arguments

As shown above, procs don’t freak out and raise errors if they are passed the wrong number of arguments.

If the proc requires an argument but no argument is passed then the proc returns nil. If too many arguments are passed than it ignores the extra arguments.

‘return’ inside of a lambda triggers the code right outside of the lambda code

def lambda_test
lam = lambda { return }
puts "Hello world"

lambda_test # calling lambda_test prints 'Hello World'

‘return’ inside of a proc triggers the code outside of the method where the proc is being executed

def proc_test
proc = Proc.new { return }
puts "Hello world"

proc_test # calling proc_test prints nothing

Thanks for reading!